5 Life-Changing Decluttering Tips from Professional Organizers

5 Life-Changing Decluttering Tips from Professional Organizers

Ok, let’s get something out in the open- I am a professional organizer. I’ve dedicated the better part of my life to organizing for myself, friends and paying clients. We throw out terms like “life-changing tips” all the time online.  But I want to be more than the noise and share genuinely meaningful tips I’ve learned in my own life and professionally over the last several years. I’m hopeful these tips can genuinely help you, and yes, actually change your life. Because I’ve seen it. Having less is freeing. Life is lighter, and happier, and leaves you room for so much joy when you aren’t drowning in meaningless stuff…. Ok let’s jump in. 

Here are our decluttering tips for a stress-free home

1. Do a seasonal clothing swap. A huge stumbling block for nearly all of my clients, and most people I know in general. I would venture to say almost everyone has clothes in their closet they don’t love. So, what’s an actionable way to tackle clothing clutter? Do it seasonally. No this doesn’t even mean you have to store away winter clothes in the summer or vice versa. It just means that as the seasons change take a good honest look at your closet. Has it been 6 months since you wore that thick wool sweater? Or has it been 2 years? Did you spend all of winter staring at it, wanting to love it but never put it on because it is itchy and frumpy? Be honest. We often keep clothing because we spent money on it, or because we’re waiting for the perfect occasion to wear it. Instead of holding on to those thoughts, challenge them. About every single piece in your closet if you can. And yes, it does require a lot of time and effort- everything worthwhile does! Let’s defer to the expert- Marie Kondo here. Does it spark joy? A meme that’s taken over the internet and widely mocked. But think about it. There is so much wisdom to this question when it comes to clothes. WHY don’t you wear it? Is the fit off? Is it worn out? Do you feel GUILTY getting rid of it because it was expensive? Terrible reasons to keep something. 

2. Let’s talk paper. I cannot tell you how many people I have helped mitigate paperwork clutter. My take? Buy a trash can and put it outside of the door you normally come in. Ok- or have it easily accessible INSIDE if that is more realistic for you- i.e. you life in an apartment. Don’t bring meaningless papers inside your home. K but for real. Set a physical barrier (your garage or front door). Seriously- i mean this- put a trash can (or recycle bin- or both) right by where you come inside every day. Think junk mail, meaningless kid drawings, paperwork from an appointment you have a digital copy of too: don’t bring it inside! Throw it away before it ever gets the chance to become clutter in your home. One day we will be more efficient as a society and be paperless- we’re working on it. But for now- just focus on not letting it pile up.

3. Minimize decor. I know.. I’m not a designer. But listen, sometimes your decor IS clutter. My advice- only display things that you love, and that are meaningful. Think family heirlooms, and pieces you’ve carefully curated through the years. So often our homes fill with meaningless things we hang, and display and call decor that we really don’t need. I borrow the words of William Morris who said, “have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” 

5. Clear your counters! Let’s end in the kitchen. So many kitchens are filled with so much excess that the counters become cluttered with objects. This may be a pretty involved process, but keeping only what you love and use in your kitchen should free up space to put most things away and clear off your counter. I know that may feel impossible, but I have organized countless kitchens big and small, and I have found it possible to clear the counters (to one extent or another) 10/10 times. 

Wow, ok, we made it through. Was it helpful? I so hope it was. These tips are tried and true things I implement in my own life and teach my clients every day. Give them a try and tell me what you think on social or comment below!

About me

Hi, I’m McElle! Owner of Orderly Professional Organizing located in Salt Lake City, Utah. My team and I service our clients all over Utah’s Wasatch front. I LOVE simplifying our clients’ lives through intentional organization systems that last and teaching our clients how to maintain an organized home long-term. 

Get in touch! Follow along on our Instagram (send us a message! We love answering questions there) or click here to learn more about our services and chat. 

Have you been looking for home organizing services in Salt Lake City? Look no further! Orderly Professional Organizing can help Declutter and simplify your home in Northern Utah. 

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